KOBILS goes to Green Camp Bali!
Join KOBILS students aged 7-14 as we take an exciting environmental adventure to the world renowned Bali Green School Camp from February 11-17, 2024.
We’ll climb coconut trees, make bamboo rafts and float down the river, do traditional Balinese crafts, learn about the environment and much more. In English, of course!
Chaperones: Six teachers and staff from KOBILS including two Japanese speaking staff and four native English speaking teachers will escort the children from Japan. All activities in Bali will be conducted by expert experienced English speaking Balinese Green Camp leaders with KOBILS staff observing or participating.
Applicants: Must be able to speak English and operate comfortably in an English immersion environment. A short interview will be conducted on-site at KOBILS or via Zoom to confirm English ability and with parents to talk about the trip. Applicants should be enthusiastic, energetic and used to spending time outdoors!
引率: KOBILSの教職員6名(日本語を話す職員2名、英語ネイティブ教師4名)が、日本からの子どもたちを引率します。バリ島でのアクティビティはすべて、経験豊富な現地のグリーンキャンプリーダーが担当し、KOBILS教職員も常に、子ども達と同行し様子を見ながらともに過ごします。
応募資格: 英語を話すことができ、英語漬けの環境で快適に活動できる方。参加には、KOBILSによる簡単な面接(Zoomオンライン面接でも可) を行い、英語力の確認し、また保護者の方と旅行についてお話します。熱意とエネルギーにあふれ、野外活動が大好きな方が対象です!
Participant age for non-KOBILS students: 9-14
Fees: (Non-KOBILS students)
Aged 9-11: ¥195,000
Aged: 12-14: ¥225,000
Interview: ¥5,000
This is a once only price as KOBILS was able to receive some external sponsorship for the Bali Green Camp portion of the tickets.
Includes: Flights, accommodation in bamboo houses, all meals (except snacks, extra meals in transit), all activities, travel insurance, airport transfers
Does not include: Bali visa, additional snacks/meals in transit, transport to and from Kansai Airport (KIX).
Itinerary: Singapore Airlines
February 11 (Sun), 23:20, Departure from Kansai International Airport
February 17 (Sat), 08:35, Arrival at Kansai International Airport
12-14歳: 225,000円
面接費: 5,000円
今回のトリップは、KOBILSの外部スポンサーにより、今回限りの価格となっています。含まれるもの:往復 航空券、バンブーハウスでの宿泊、食事(お菓子、乗継の際の追加食を除く)、全アクティビティ、旅行保険、空港からグリーンキャンプ間の送迎
含まれないもの: インドネシア入国ビザ、乗継時の軽食、関西空港までの往復送迎
日程: シンガポール航空
2月17日(土) 関西国際空港着
SQ623 11 FEB KIX-SIN 23:20 05:10+1
SQ934 12 FEB SIN-DPS 06:55 09:35
SQ947 16 FEB DPS-SIN 21:45 00:20 +1
SQ618 17 FEB SIN-KIX 01:30 08:35
Questions? Contact: office@kobils.ed.jp
For initial application: Please fill out the short form below
Deadline: First come, first served basis, so early application is encouraged. We have 10 places available for non-KOBILS students out of 66 total places.
Upon receiving the pre-application form, KOBILS staff will set up a time for a pre-screening interview for English ability (child) and with parents (mini-orientation).
お問い合わせ 連絡先:office@kobils.ed.jp
お申し込み: 下記フォームに必要事項をご記入の上、送信してください。
締切: 先着順ですので、お早めにお申し込みください。