2018.01.20 B1 - KOBILS


2018.01.20 B1


Today we looked at the beginning of the Wizard of Oz story. We talked about weather and did some comprehension exercises from the text.

We looked at choosing to write direct speech as one or two parts, and then how to use ‘too’ or ‘not… enough’ in descriptive sentences.


We discussed possible beginnings and endings for our performance day speeches.




*Practice Book p94, 95, 96.

*Decide on a beginning/ending for your speech.


Hi / Hello / My name is… / Today I will talk about… /


Thank you for… listening/coming/being a great audience        I hope that you… enjoy your day / have a nice day  / enjoyed my talk



I will help to edit some this week. We will do a timed practice speech on 3rd Feb!


