Kobe Bilingual School


+ Kindergarten (age 3-6)

2024-25 Kindergarten School Fees:
9:00 – 14:00 (5 days a week)

Tuition: ¥63,000 per month x 12 = ¥756,000

Kyushoku (school lunch): ¥6,500 per month x 12 = ¥78,000

School Bus: ¥6,000 per month x 12 = ¥72,000
(Akashi): ¥9,000 per month x 12 = ¥108,000

Annual Fees:

Materials Fees: ¥24,000

Facility Fees: ¥60,000

One-Time Fees:

Entrance: ¥100,000

Application and Interview Fee: ¥20,000

Summer School (two weeks) Payments are included in Kindergarten tuition.

Kyushoku (school lunch) :Children are STRONGLY recommended to have school lunch. Exceptions made for children with serious or widespread allergies (egg allergies OK!).

Bus: Akashi, Gakuentoshi, Suma, Myodani, Tarumi area.

Many children follow a monthly payment plan in kindergarten.

+ Elementary School (age 6-12)

2024-25 Elementary School Fees:

Tuition: ¥73,500 per month x 12 = ¥882,000
Kyushoku (school lunch): ¥8,500 per month x 11 = ¥93,500
School Bus: ¥6,000 per month x 11 = ¥66,000
(Akashi): ¥9,000 per month x 11 = ¥99,000

Annual Fees:

Facility Fee: ¥60,000
Materials Fee: ¥60,000
Trip Fee: ¥35,000

Summer School:¥70,000
Japanese as a second language (JSL): ¥300,000

One-Time Fees:

Entrance: ¥200,000 (less any entrance fee paid for Kindergarten)
Application and Interview Fee: ¥20,000

Student must purchase an iPad.

*Tax is not included in the fees above.

Kyushoku (school lunch) : Children are STRONGLY recommended to have school lunch. Exceptions made for children with serious or widespread allergies (egg allergies OK!).

Bus: Akashi, Gakuentoshi, Suma, Myodani, Tarumi area.

Tuition payment plans are available.


Join Us!

We pride ourselves at KOBILS on our happy friendly children. KOBILS builds SKILL: Strong, Kind, Inquisitive Lifelong Learners. They love to come to school and we love to have them!

2025 Admission Materials:


Early Childhood Education Allowance

From October 1, 2019, Free Early Childhood Education Allowance can be applied to KOBILS kindergarten, and we are also eligible to receive a monthly subsidy of up to 37,000 yen.

Careers Week

Elementary School holds a Careers Week every year. During Careers Week, we have people from various professions visit to share their jobs with us.

Online Information Session

Thank you to those who attended KOBILS online information session and/or online tour. It was the first time we  held the event online and 87% of you responded to the survey saying it was “very good” or “good”. Thank you to all who responded to the survey.